
Comment history with Saraaaah


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 comments

Ahh I see haha.
Well, what I do is paint the shoe white as a base, sketch on it, outline it with a black sharpie, and then paint it with acrylics; but I've seen people use watercolors too. I've also used paint markers.

Posted by Saraaaah on Jul 23, 10 7:12 pm

The blue borders are probably an IE thing. I should be using FF, but I wasn't. XD

Well, I do need to get a new pair of converse soon, so maybe I'll try it out on the old ones. Do you use special pens?

Posted by schizo on Jul 23, 10 5:47 pm

Hmm they do? That's weird... there aren't any blue borders when i view it, but I'll still use that anyway haha. Thanks so much for helping me though! I was getting so frustrated trying to figure everything out, and I didn't think it would be so simple lol.
Yeah, I was a little fearful when I first painted my own shoes 'cause I didn't wanna ruin them either, but after a while it gets really fun and addicting haha. I think you should try it though. Especially since your layouts are awesome so why not transfer that awesomeness into shoes! haha

Posted by Saraaaah on Jul 23, 10 4:37 pm

I was stalking your website to make sure you totally understood the codes I gave you and I noticed your images had blue borders around them. You can fix that by adding img{border:none} to your stylesheet. I was going to throw that in my comment but the topic was clased. D:

Very cute shoe designs by the way. I've always wanted to try that but I fear ruining them.

Posted by schizo on Jul 22, 10 11:56 pm
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